Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

Set in the early 1960’s, The Help is about the different journeys of three women in Jackson, Mississippi in the midst of segregation. Aibileen and Minny are two black women who work as maids, and Skeeter is a privileged white woman who is an aspiring journalist. Skeeter wishes to write a book of collective interviews about the daily lives of black maids, but cannot do so without the assistance of Aibileen and Minny. The Help records each woman’s journey as they dangerously risk their lives to rise from the lies of ignorance and fear to make the world more tolerant.

Amidst their attempt to make a difference, many obstacles are placed in their paths. For Skeeter, it is the difficulty of being a pariah amongst her closest friends for refusing to ignore the consequences of segregation. Aibileen must determine if she is willing to sacrifice everything she has ever known to make a difference in Jackson, or continue to remain under the dark shadow of racism and bigotry. Minny must decide if she wishes to live with an abusive husband and endure the wrath of manipulative women in an effort to keep her job, or make a difference and truly be free. Although the tests each woman faces is uniquely her own, they must be endured with each other’s support in order to truly succeed. Though the writing is simple at times, the message it carries is not. Each character offers her own view on segregation, and it is an exciting read for anyone who is interested in learning more on the impacts of segregation.

Genre:  Historical Fiction, Civil Rights Movement
Reviewed by:  Simmy Kaur
Teacher:  Mrs. Pufko

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