Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

The Boy in Striped Pajamas by John Boyne

If you decide to read this book, you will go on a journey with a boy named Bruno, who is nine years old. And sooner or later you will come to a stop and arrive at the fence with Bruno.  During the Holocaust, Bruno lives in Berlin with his mother, father, and sister, Gretel. They are shortly moved to a new home where father can continue his work next to a concentration camp. Bruno, being young can’t understand why he and his family are leaving; yet he has to leave his hometown and his friends, whom he is so sad to leave behind.  Bruno and his family are starting to adjust to life at the home called Out-With.  Gretel and Bruno both find themselves being terribly bored and wanting to do nothing more but leave home.
            Luckily, Gretel learns to keep herself contempt by playing with her dolls, while Bruno has a source of adventure with him. He spots huts far away in the distance and is curious as to what they might be for and who might be living in them. He starts exploring until he comes to a fence, and sees a blob that turned into a figure, that turned into something mind blowing. Bruno is quite puzzled by this and starts to approach the fence, only to find…

Off of a five star rating scale; I would give this book a three. It was over all a good read, but it didn’t do enough for me to be entertained. Also, this novel would have been better if it ended with a happy ending, instead of an ending with a bizarre feeling left in your stomach.  If you are into history and personal stories combined, or Historical Fiction, I would definitely check out this book.

Genre:  Historical Fiction, WWII
Reviewed by:  Rachel Frazier
Teacher:  Mara Pufko

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