Monday, March 18, 2013

Just One Day

Just One Day
by Gayle Foreman
If you were a fan of If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Foreman, I can’t in good conscience tell you that you will enjoy her newest book, Just One Day.  It isn’t terrible, but it just isn’t in the same league as her first two books.
Allyson Healey has led a charmed life.  She graduates from high school never having had to have a job, in the fall she is attending a private college on her parent’s dime, and she is in England when the story begins, finishing up a summer tour of Europe, also a gift from her parents.  Just as she is about to join her group to see the Royal Shakespeare Company perform Hamlet, she and her lifelong friend Melanie meet some actors from a group called Guerilla Will.  This group is performing Twelfth Night that same evening.  They advertise themselves as doing “Shakespeare without borders.  Shakespeare for the masses.  Shakespeare for free.  Shakespeare for all.”   But what really attracts Melanie and Allyson is the cute boy who is part of the company.   They decide to ditch the RSC in favor of seeing this group perform instead.  After the performance Allyson meets the cute boy, Willem, who played the part of Sebastian.   Even though her tour of Europe is about over, and she should be spending her last two days in London, Willem talks her into taking the train to Paris with him.  This is very out of character for Allyson, who hasn’t even enjoyed her time in Europe and is definitely a rule follower and not someone who would normally hop a train to a foreign country with a boy she just met.   In Paris, Allyson starts to reinvent herself as Lulu, who is open to trying new things and having new experiences.  She also starts to fall in love with Willem, even though she knows they will only have one day together and most likely never see each other again.  As they travel through Paris, Allyson (Lulu) learns little of Willem’s past.  He has been travelling for two years.  He is from Amsterdam, and he seems to have a lot of girlfriends.  Everywhere Willem takes Allyson, he seems to know lots of girls, but Allyson is still taken with him.  After she spends the night with him, she awakes to see that he has abandoned her and taken with him her very expensive watch that was a graduation gift from her parents.  Allyson is devastated.  She returns home and begins college, but she can’t help feeling that she lost some of herself in Paris.  The rest of the book becomes a journey as Allyson tries to reinvent herself and discover who she really is apart from her parent’ s expectations.  Spoiler alert:  Willem does return to the story, and it is very clear by the end that there will be a sequel.  Also, by the end, I will say that the reader is very interested in the story.  This book doesn’t have the immediate pull for the reader the way that If I Stay and Where She Went do, but if you stick with it, I think you will still enjoy it.
Genre:  Realistic Fiction, Romance

Reviewer:  Lauren Sprouse, librarian

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