Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chosen by Ted Dekker

by Ted Dekker

True to Dekker style, Chosen doesn’t disappoint. It is full of thrills and Dekker’s imagination is off the charts. Thomas Hunter is Supreme Commander of the Forest Guard in the alternate world of fantasy where humans, known as Forest Dwellers battle the diseased evil humans known as the Horde. The Horde people suffer from what is called a “scabbing disease” and the only way they find any relief is to cover their bodies with a mud like white paste (which gives them a creepy ghost like appearance). The Horde is led by a “man” referred to as the Dark One. Great evil is overtaking Thomas Hunter’s beautiful land. His army is dwindling and the threat from the Dark One is growing. Thomas is forced to recruit fighters aged 16 and 17. From thousands four will be chosen to lead a special mission. The four chosen must find seven “Lost Books of History” before the Dark One does. The seven books hold great power over the past, present and future controlling their world. The story grows in suspense as the search for the Lost Books continues and this is where Dekker’s imagination really shines. The powers of the books can save the humans who live in the Green Forest or destroy them if the books fall into the hands of the evil dark lord of the Horde. The race is on….. This is a fast paced thrilling story of good against evil or light against darkness. The story keeps you on the edge of your seat. Chosen is book one of six and then carries over into another series from Dekker called the Circle Trilogy so there are plenty of books to keep you reading for some time if you like the storyline. Ted Dekker has a fan in me and I plan to read through the series over the summer.                                                 

Genre:  Fantasy
Reviewed by:  Andrew Rhode

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